1 LCE Comprehension                          Room _______________                      NAME_____________________

Semester 1

September 2004                                     Time ________________                     STUDENT ID________________


This exam tests your listening comprehension of English.  The exam will last one hour; once the test has begun, no-one may enter or leave the exam room.  You will hear three separate recordings.  Each recording will be played one or two times.  You will answer the questions on your paper, making notes on the separate sheet provided.  Read the instructions for each part carefully: note especially that there is only ONE correct answer for multiple-choice questions.  Marks may also be deducted for incorrect responses in this section, as in all other sections of the test.


PART 1                  Dolly’s Creator  NPR investigates the possibility of cloning human beings.


You will hear this recording ONCE only.  Circle the correct answer.  There is only one correct answer per question.  Points may be deducted for incorrect responses.


1)       The process of cloning involves

a.        harvesting adult genes

b.        inserting genes into an egg

c.        making the egg start dividing

d.        implanting the embryo

e.        all of the above


2)       What is said about the process of cloning?

a.        it is not a very efficient process at all

b.        most clones suffer from the same abnormalities

c.     some species are dramatically easier to clone

d.     answers a, b and c are correct

e.     none of the answers is correct


3)       Which health problem is NOT associated with cloning?

a.     obesity

b.     poor eyesight

c.     limb deformities

d.     heart and lung problems

e.     none of the above





4)       Pig cloner Randall Praither explains that

a.     pigs are easier to clone than most other farm animals

b.     he has now radically improved his pig cloning technique

c.     his recent pig clones have been more successful than before

d.     he does not know how to improve his cloning technique

e.     answers a, b, and c are correct


5)       Ian Wilmut made the following suggestion for determining

why some clones have health problems:

a.     conduct a systematic study of clones from birth onwards

b.     clone only species which react well, like mice, and study them

c.     examine different stages of the cloning process systematically

d.     answers a, b, and c are correct

e.     none of the above


6)       Ian Wilmut’s team uses cloning for the following reason(s):

a.        to provide cloned animals for any kind of clinical application

b.        to increase agricultural productivity for farmers and consumers

c.        to create genetically related children in cases of serious illness

d.        to meet a need for genetic copies of animals with unique traits

e.     answers a, b, c, and d are correct



1.             A            B             C             D

2.             A            B             C             D

3.             A            B             C             D


4.             A            B             C             D

5.             A            B             C             D

6.             A            B             C             D

PART 2                                Half Pennies        The BBC looks back at various opinions about the old half penny


You will hear this recording twice.  Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).  Circle the correct answer and justify your response in a few words.



1. The Chancellor thinks the half-penny coin is useful.                                             ____________________________


2. People save up their half-penny coins.                                                                     ____________________________


3. Some 350, 000, 000 half-penny coins were made.                                                     ____________________________


4. The half-penny coin has existed for 30 years.                                                          ____________________________


5. The coin is to be taken out of circulation next year.                                               ____________________________


6. Most people will be sorry to see the half-penny go.                                              ____________________________


7. The woman is probably a shopkeeper.                                                                      ____________________________


8. The man will probably welcome the half-penny's departure.                                 ____________________________



PART 3                 Cannes Film Festival         Riviera Radio reports on  the Cannes film festival


You will hear this recording TWICE.  Make notes on a separate sheet, then answer the questions as fully as possible.  Points will be deducted for missing information and language errors.


  1. Why does the reporter say that it is hard to pick a winner at the Cannes film festival?








  1. What does he say is good about the film The Barbarian Invasion?









  1. What is said about the director von Trier?









  1. What is odd about the film Dogville?












  1. What did Nicole Kidman do at the news conference?  Why? 












  1. What is the film Belleville Rendez-vous about?