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Students in the English Department at the University of Nice come in a number of flavours;
here is a rough guide.  Choose type of major or type of enrollment.

Type of major

English majors (étudiants d’anglais LCE)
The English LCE programme (littératures et civilisations étrangères)  taught in the English Department involves classes in English-language literature, the civilisation (or socio-political history) of the English-speaking world, English linguistics and French/English translation, and oral English. 

Many students plan to become English teachers, traditionally at the secondary level (see advanced courses), but also increasingly in the primary schools (see early English, anglais précoce). 

Applied languages students (étudiants d’anglais LEA)
Students enrolled in business and applied languages (langues étrangères appliquées, LEA) take classes in economics, law, and management in the form of core courses taught in French.  In addition, they study two foreign languages, generally English and German, Italian, Portuguese, or Spanish.

English LEA courses include English/French translation and oral English, plus various classes in English grammar, civilisation (socio-political history of English-speaking countries), and the language of business, depending on students’ year of study.
Students are generally preparing for professions which use English as a means of communication, including international commerce and tourism.